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Showing posts from February, 2019

"Kim Possible" (Live-Action) Review!

                 So....the "Kim Possible" DCOM (Disney Channel Original Movie)? I have to admit that it wasn't complete trash. Before I go into my review and justification for my thoughts, I just wanted to say, no offense to anyone who actually enjoyed the movie. I'd love to hear your justification on why you liked it. I'd also like to say that this will have spoilers, and I'm sorry for not previously stating that my posts will have spoilers.         Out of 10, I would give the live-action "Kim Possible" movie a 4.5.         I could tell that much time and thought was put into the film, and it was purely made out of good intentions.         The fight scenes were filmed and edited very well (except for the first like 10 minutes).         They mostly captured the essence of the original characters, which was a defining part of the original animated "Kim Possi...

Are You Ready for the Kim Possible Movie?

   vs          Are you ready for the new "Kim Possible" movie? The movie will premiere this Friday, February 15, on Disney Channel.         Disney Channel is taking a very big risk by rebooting the beloved animated show, "Kim Possible" 17 years after its original release. Die-hard fans think that the new reboot will 'ruin their childhood'.         I'm not going to lie, but the promotion for the movie looks like it was made in iMovie and the promos make it look like the movie had no budget.         I personally haven't seen the show, but I have been meaning to. I trust and have faith in the writers because they are the same as the show, so they must know how much their creation has impacted people.         I feel like the movie is going to be at least average, but because of the fans of the original show, most people will hate the movie because it is unlike the origina...

Why High School Musical & Descendants Are the Same

 vs          To clear up any misunderstandings, I understand that both franchises were directed and choreographed by Kenny Ortega so they will have some similarities in their layouts.         "High School Musical" is a DCOM (Disney Channel Original Movie) that was released in 2006. The movie conveys the message of breaking free of quotas and being your true self, no matter what labels people put on you, through various different musical numbers. The movie follows star basketball player Troy Bolton and overly 'smart' Gabriella Montez, and how music unites the two unexpected couple together.         "Descendants" is a DCOM that was released in 2015, almost ten years after the release of the original High School Musical. The movie teaches the audience that you must make your own choices in life, and you do not have to live the same lives as your parents, even if that is what is expected of you. The musical follo...